Being genuine and authentic is beginning to seem like a lost art. There are so many people who are copying others, being fake, and editing their real selves to be like others. What makes you different are your unique qualities. We need to seek to find our true selves.
Don’t edit yourself to fit in. Don’t form into the shape that others want you to be. Be a star when everyone else is a circle. Dig deep to find who you really are. Go back to the basics.
Journaling is a good way to find your true and honest thoughts. I recently started journaling and have gained clarity on who I am, who I want to be, and what I want in the future. Reading, listening to podcasts, and having a growth mindset can also help in finding yourself.
I have been reading a lot of books on personal development. I listen to podcasts about business and growing as a person. I am also always willing to listen and seek to understand someone else’s perspective. I think this makes us better humans.
We all need to focus on self-care, recovering from trauma, and gaining clarity on blurry areas in our lives. You can walk through life with your head in the sand and not seek to understand. You can drive through life, going mach 80, and not take the time to see the scenery. But is that what you truly want? Do you want to miss out on your dream life? Do you want to pass by those beautiful lookout spots on the side of the road?
We all have things in our lives that we want to forget and not deal with. But that is not helping us. We need to take the bull by the horns and deal with our discomfort and overwhelm. Don’t let life pull you back, keep moving forward, but do that while dealing with the past and mistakes. Don’t try to cope by using poor coping mechanisms to numb the pain. Pain can be a good thing when you are facing things head-on. Don’t use alcohol, sleep, food, or distraction as a way to cope.
Communicate what is on your mind. Show the world your beautiful soul. Seek to understand others. Everyone is battling things you don’t know about. Give grace to others and to yourself. Don’t edit yourself and your goals, visions, and plans. Put yourself out there, connect with others, and create memories.
Don’t form to the crowd. Be uniquely you. Don’t edit yourself.
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