I know you are like me and you want to save money. A good starting place is to save $100 this week. This is 100% doable.
With the price of literally EVERYTHING going up, up, and you guessed it, UP…now is the time to learn how to save a little bit of money each week.
Wouldn’t it feel nice to get into the habit of saving money each week and month?
I am a firm believer in automating my savings. Every month I have my retirement investments and boys’ UTMAs (savings accounts) automatically taken out of my checking account. I don’t have to do anything besides remember that the money is leaving my checking account on the 1st of every month.
Automation for savings is a great idea! Pay yourself first!
I also am in a habit of transferring my budgeted money to go into my savings accounts. You can automate this too!
Now, back to learning how to save money this week.
There are a few ways to save $100 this week. I will share with you how I saved/made $100 last week.
I sold $40 worth of my son’s old clothes on Mercari. Mercari is a buying and selling app. It is super easy to use. I sold some old uniform pants, some old shirts, and a pair of shoes he outgrew. All the clothing was still in good shape. Name-brand clothing tends to sell best on this app.
I also did a quick savings challenge, where I saved all of the $5 bills, I received back in change from buying things. I was able to save $40.
That takes me up to $80 saved so far.
I then sold an item at a café where I have some clothes that were just over $20.
That is a grand total of $100 saved in one week.
There are also lots of other ways how you can save $100 this week. Here are 10 quick ways to save $100 this week
1. Sell items you no longer need, I’ve made over $1300 on Mercari by doing this
2. Pick up a side hustle/side job or extra hours at your job. I am a nurse so I am usually able to pick up more hours if needed
3. Do a savings challenge, you can save your $1, $5, $10, or $20 bills. Or even change!
4. Save and turn in your change. I love doing this. We have 3 large mason jars at home to keep our loose change in. One is labeled Save, one is Give, and the last one is Spend.
5. Skip going out to eat for lunch or supper. Pack your lunch and this will save you money!
6. See if you can get some of your bills (cable, internet, phone) lowered
7. DYI- this is great for household cleaners and soap. I make my own body soap.
8. Turn down your heat. (It is winter in Wisconsin at the time of this writing)
9. Turn down your AC if it is summertime
10. Use cash-back apps
There are so many other ways to save money. This was just a quick list to get you started.
I am a big believer in meal prep; however, I will be the first to admit I don’t always do it! But I am that weird hockey/sports Mom who sometimes brings her own snacks and lunch. Yep, I’m THAT MOM!
I wish my packed lunches looked this yummy. I tend to bring peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Bringing your packed lunch to work or sporting events will save you SO MUCH MONEY!
Let me know if you want to do a savings challenge with me. I love doing savings challenges and it is always more fun to do them with someone else!
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